Yesterday was Mother's Day. The day that I have dreaded ever since my mom died. I turn on the radio and there are songs being requested for moms, there are special programs on the tv, and there are Mother's Day articles in the newspaper. I thought my head was going to explode, I couldn't get away from any of it!! So I grabbed an old photo album, some flowers and went to the one place where I could escape everything. The graveyard. And yes I do realize that that sounded kinda creepy. So I found my mom's tombstone and placed the flowers right by it. I sat down and started talking. I told her about how things were going and at first I felt really stupid talking to someone I couldn't even see, but then I got more comfortable with it. As I started looking through the photo album, I started telling my mom about how much I missed and loved her. Then I just burst into tears. I was letting out all the horrible feelings I have had since my Mom died. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Sodapop. I didnt know why he was there, and I didnt care. I buried my face in his chest and I cried like I have never cried before, while he held me, stroked my hair and let me cry without saying anything. I'm sure I was a lovely sight after all that crying. Happy Freakin Mothers Day!