Saturday, February 27, 2010
A Day With Sodapop
So Soda and I haven't been able to hang out like we used too and things have been a little weird since the Valentines party. So yesterday we hung out like we used to, before we dated and before I moved, when we were real good buddies. First we went to the awesome 50's - esque diner and got real cheap and real good food. We kept on talking to the waitress and distracting her just to piss off the other customers there cause they were Socs. Then we found our old bikes in our garages and took them for a spin. A word of advice, be careful with a bikes that are 10 years old. We were riding down the street racing eachother when my rusty bike chain got stuck and sent me flying. Then Soda tried to stop his bike but the brakes wouldn't work so he ran into a tree. With my luck, I had a huge gash on my forehead and my wrist was hurting pretty bad. Soda had a huge bruise on his face and a gash on his arm. So we got in my car and went to the emergency room. My dad ended up giving me 10 stiches on my forehead, and I sprained my wrist. Soda got 6 stiches in his arm. Even though the day ended in injury, I still had a hell of a time. Thanks Soda!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Things I Remember About My Mom
Ever since I found out my Dad was dating Tanith, I've been thinking about my Mom a lot. Here are some things I remember the most about my Mom.
- Her smile
- Her full name was Josephine Lily Winston ( Mayfield was her maiden name)
- Her best friend was Pony, Kit, Soda and Darry's mom
- How you could talk to her for hours about anything
- Her awesome sense of style!
- Anybody in the gang could talk to her and she would listen to them no matter what
- We had the same fave movies and music
- She loved the Olympics too :)
- She was really good at ice skating
- We could talk about boys and laugh and it wouldn't be awkward
- Her laugh
- She always smelled really good
- She was really smart
- How my dad always lit up when she entered the room and vice versa
Here are some of my favorite pictures of her...

I miss her so much. What do you guys remember about my Mom?
Monday, February 22, 2010
My Dad Has A Girlfriend!
So last night I was just sitting watching the Olympics when my dad gets home from the hospital and after a few minutes, he came and sat down by me. He said, "Angelica, we need to talk."
Me- Okay ( I pause the Olympics)
Dad- Honey, I don't know how to put this, but I have a girlfriend.
Me- (Shocked) Whaaaaaaaaat?!?!
Dad- I know it may be hard to hear, but we are really happy together. Her name is Tanith and she's really cool. I know you'll like her.
Me- * too shocked to talk*
He then told me about Tanith, so here is a short desriciption of her. ( As you guys may know my Dad knows a lot of facts about people.)
Full Name: Tanith Rose Birkshire
Birthday: July 11, 1972
That is all I really heard because I was still in shock, but tomorrow she is coming over for dinner so I will find out more. Ever since my Dad told me I can't help thinking about my Mom. I'm glad my Dad is happy and he deserves to be happy but its still hard. Oh, here is a picture of Tanith. 

Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Olympics
So, I've been watching the Olympics pretty much all day. Go Team USA!!! Did you guys wathc Apolo Ohno compete in the finals for the Short Track 1500 meter? Did you see those Korean guys pushing him?!?! Those two guys who wiped out totally deserved it. I'm so happy Apolo got the silver, (even though he deserved the gold) and that J.R. Celski got the bronze. If you can't tell I LOVE Apolo Ohno and the Olympics. I also thought it was really cool when Michelle Roark, on Team USA, who was doing Moguls, fell but got right back up and finshed. It was awesome how Hannah Kearney dominated Women's Moguls! Did you guys watch any of the Olympics today? P.S. Johnny did you talk to Cam yet?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Talent Show
I don't know if anyone remembers this besides Soda and Steve, but I was just thinking about how I won the school talent shows in 7th, 9th and 10th grade. In 9th grade I sang Heart Of Glass by Blondie. In 10th grade I sang Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears and in 7th grade I sang Thriller by Michael Jackson. Those were good times.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Well, Cam and I kinda talked. I feel really horrible and I was NOT planning on getting so wasted at the party. So, I think we are cool, but I think Johnny is going to talk to him too. I hope Cam doesn't think I'm some slut who gets drunk all the time, because that is so not me. I feel really bad. I just can't believe that on our first date I got so drunk and that happened. I hope everything with Cam will be ok. I think I might give him some space unless he wants to talk to me. In the mean time, I going to try to think of a way to make it up to Cam. Oh and Johnny, I am totally not mad at you, its not your fault.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
First date/Party
Wow! That was one crazy party. Ok, I'll start at the beginning of the night. So after Jamie and Cam came to my place at about 6, Cam and I walked to the icecream place. ( Cam got mint and I got double fudge chocolate. Yes I know I'm a chocoholic.) We talked so much and it was awesome. Like we totally got eachother. Then we looked at the clock and it was like 7:50! We had talked the whole time we were there. Cam embarrassingly admitted that he had something else planned but forgot. It was so cute! So as we started walking to my house, he turned and kissed me!!! Then we got to my house and the party began! There were so many people at the party. Dawn, Dally + Blair, Steve + Evie, Carson, Soda + Katie, Kit + Mark, Jamie + Andrew. Pony and Johnny showed up later hopped up on soda. Johnny's pants were so low, and he was acting so gangsta that I was laughing my ass off. He also gave me a gangsta name, JBean. So original. We played a very drunken game of spin the bottle ( I think it was Carson's idea) and I don't even remember what happened, does anyone else. Dawn started singing Fireflies and was dancing with the wall. Then Johnny started rapping an Eminem song and was like hopping around, then fell on his face because of his pants. He was like " Yo dawg, can somebody help me up?" It was so hilarious and we were laughing too hard to help him up. We danced and partied till like 4 in the morning and we all crashed in various parts of my house. Somehow Steve ended up crashing on my bed, I don't know why or how. When we all woke up we made the best brunch kind of thing ever! I had sooo much fun!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Party at my place!!!!
So I just found out that my Dad is going to some convention in Nevada. He's leaving around noon tomorrow and is coming home Sunday night. So tomorrow night I'm having a party at my place and everyone's invited!!!!!!!! ( Oh and Jamie, after I got off the phone talking to you about tomorrow night , I ran into Cam. I was running some errands and ran into him. He's totally cool with it. So Jamie remember the plan is you and Cam are coming to my house at 6. Then Cam and I will do whatever and Andrew will come over and you two will hold down the fort. Then we are coming back at 8 for the party.) So guys you can come around 8, bring what you want or whoever you want. Yes, there will be plenty beer for those of you who are wondering. PARTAY!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I've Got A Date!
Last Results
Just in case you are wondering, these are the final results of my poll, Do you think I should get a boyfriend?
No you're fine being a single lady 8 votes-50%
Yes and i have some ideas..... 2 votes-12%
Not right now 1 vote-6%
Totally! Go for it 5 votes-31%
No you're fine being a single lady 8 votes-50%
Yes and i have some ideas..... 2 votes-12%
Not right now 1 vote-6%
Totally! Go for it 5 votes-31%
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Phone number
Did someone give Tim Shepard my phone number!?!? Today he called me and acted all mysterious, kinda creepy and a little flirty and wouldn't tell me who he was. After a few minutes I finally figured out it was him. So did someone give him my number, because we aren't listed in the phonebook yet. Its a little creepy.
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